
AI, DataScience, Python, JavaScript, Java, C, Matlab, RaspberryPI, Hardware, Software...


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☦️復活 新・Raspberry Pi 3B+

0. Requirement 1. Format the SD card 2. Download OS image 3. Flash the img to SD card 4. Put the SD in RaspberryPi 3B+ 5. Change mirror list (the nearest one is the tsukuba free software mirror) 6. Install the neofetch to validate the effe…


1. Template download 2. Design and Generate 3. Print 1. Template download Microsoft word, Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop I chose the blank word format from: raksul.com 2. Design and Generate I found a nice example from: www.meishisho…


hugo教程 GitHub 常见问题 hugo教程 video tutorial: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51574688/ article tutorial: mogeko.me $ git init // run it in public directory GitHub 常见问题 multiple users management: www.zhihu.com permission deny: w…

⚒️ 新・ブログ構築2020

0. GitHub + Hexo/Hugo 諦めた 1. ニーズを特定する 2. プラットホームを調べ、選ぼう 3. 決定した、行け!はてな! 4. 展示&参考 0. GitHub + Hexo/Hugo 諦めた Cool but complex I should be focused on writing Static pages spent the disk storage Acc…